TBL Manager internationalization strategy

Is intended to build solid partnerships with local players to work on the implantation process, customer support and commercial prospection. The opportunity to enter the international market enables TBL Manager to present its global solution, multilingual, with high performance and flexible to other markets. SIS level of customization makes possible the adaptation of local realities to the platform, thus offering a customized solution to the different challenges of corporate sustainability. That is how TBL Manager is differentiated, by accessing new markets and assuming new challenges to meet a wide range of corporate demands and needs.

This certification reiterates our pioneering spirit, as we are one of the first companies in Latin America to be approved and paves the way for the international market due to the capillarity of reports based on the GRI methodology.

GRI Partner

At EY, we are committed to building a better working world by working to increase business trust, promote sustainable growth, develop talent at all its stages; and a scenario of greater collaboration.

We want to build that world out of our own actions and by engaging with like-minded organizations and individuals. This is our goal and the reason we exist as an organization.

From our global reach, we seek to show people about the challenges facing economies and capital markets. After all, when business works better, the world works better.